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Speech Language Pathology

Open Databases

Campbell Collaboration

The Campbell Collaboration is an international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs.

Clinical Trials Search Portal (World Health Organization)

The International Clinical Trials Registration Portal provides access to a central database containing the trial registration data sets provided by the organizations listed on the search page.


This database from Occupational Therapy Systematic Evaluation of Evidence contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions. Updates since 2016 are limited. Best used with PubMed. 

PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database)

Physiotherapy Evidence Database contains over 59,000 trials, reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions. 


The PubMed database contains more than 36 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC).


A service made available by the Canadian MSK Rehab Research Network in collaboration with the DeGroote School of Medicine's Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence & Impact Health Information Research Unit (McMaster University), REHAB+ incorporates the McMasterPLUSTM email alerting system and searchable database of best evidence from the health care literature of particular interest to rehabilitation professionals. New users must register to utilize the search feature.

Data & Statistical Sources

Administration for Community Living (ACL): Data and Research

This site provides data and research about older adults and people with disabilities. These products were created by ACL or its grantees.

National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)

NCHS provides statistical health information for the United States.

Healthcare Databases

For a targeted PICO search try this enhanced search interface:

Online Medical Reference


Easy to understand resources on health conditions and diseases, drugs, and medical terminology. 


Get background information about nursing, psychiatry, drugs, and diseases and conditions. Resources include Stedman's Medical Dictionary, EBMcalc, evidence alerts, and an ICD conversion tool. *Users may need to agree to terms when first accessing this resource.

Online Journals

American Journal of Audiology (full text, 2000-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Addresses all aspects of clinical practice in audiology, including screening, assessment, & treatment techniques; prevention; professional issues; supervision; & administration. 

American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ILL request through chat or email/not indexed in our databases)

The American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, published by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, is a scientific, scholarly, and archival multidisciplinary journal for reporting original contributions of the highest quality to knowledge of intellectual disabilities, its causes, treatment, and prevention. 

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (full text, 2001-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Addresses all aspects of clinical practice in speech-language pathology, including screening, assessment and treatment techniques; prevention, professional issues, supervision and administration.

ASHA Leader (full text, 2000-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Provides new and in-depth articles on topics relating to audiology, speech language pathology and related professions.

Child Development (full text, 1930-present with 12-month delay, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection)

Articles of interdisciplinary empirical research, theoretical articles and reviews that have theoretical implications for child developmental research selected through blind review.

Communication Disorders Quarterly (indexed from 2001-present, full text access 2002-2008, CINAHL Ultimate)

Articles include quantitative and qualitative research reports, a clinical forum that reports theoretical applications in clinical and educational settings, short tutorials to acquaint readers with specific topics or clinical procedures, and book and material reviews.

Contemporary Issues in Communication Science & Disorders (full text, 2008-2016, CINAHL Ultimate)

Journal of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. Contains articles about speech-language pathology and audiology.

Disabilities Studies Quarterly (open access, 2008-present)

DSQ) is the journal of the Society for Disability Studies (SDS). It is a multidisciplinary and international journal of interest to social scientists, scholars in the humanities and arts, disability rights advocates, and others concerned with the issues of people with disabilities. 

Early Childhood Research Quarterly (some open access)

Early Childhood Research Quarterly (ECRQ) publishes research on early childhood education and development from birth through 8 years of age.

Early Education and Development (some open access)

Early Education and Development publishes empirical research on the links between early childhood education and children's development from birth to age 8.

Exceptional Children (full text, 1951-present, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection)

Original research on the education and development of exceptional infants, toddlers, children and youth and articles on professional issues of concern to special educators made on the basis of blind peer review.

Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology (full text, 2013-2019, CINAHL Ultimate)

The primary purpose of the Journal is to provide a forum to share research and clinical expertise that supports the Academy's mission to promote excellence in hearing care through the provision of rehabilitative and habilitative services.

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (full text, 1997-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Publishes articles and clinical reports in all areas of audiology, including audiological assessment, amplification, aural habilitation and rehabilitation, auditory electrophysiology, vestibular assessment, and hearing science.

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (JADP) (some open access)

Papers published in JADP explicitly articulate how findings can be applied to improving the lives of children, youth and young adults. JADP publishes studies on a broad array of social issues and contexts (e.g., differences in cultural, racial, social and learning contexts) that impact human development.

Journal of Early Childhood Research (some open access) 

The Journal of Early Childhood Research provides an international forum for the dissemination of early childhood research which transcends disciplinary boundaries and applies theory and research within academic and professional communities.

Journal of Special Education (ILL request through chat or email/not indexed in our databases)

The Journal of Special Education (JSE) publishes reports of research and scholarly reviews on improving education and services for individuals with disabilities.

Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research (full text, 1997-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Includes articles pertaining to the processes & disorders of hearing, language, & speech, & to the diagnosis & treatment of those disorders.

Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools (full text, 1995-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

All aspects of clinical speech, language, & hearing services to children & adolescents, particularly in school settings.

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (full text, 2012-present, CINAHL Ultimate)

Multiple publications fall under this heading: augmentative and alternative communication, communication disorders & sciences in culturally & linguistically diverse populations, swallowing & swallowing disorders, as well as other related topics.

Topics in Language Disorders (ILL request through chat or email/not indexed in our databases)

Topics in Language Disorders (TLD) is a double-blind peer-reviewed topical journal that has dual purposes: (1) to serve as a scholarly resource for researchers and clinicians who share an interest in spoken and written language development and disorders across the lifespan, with a focus on interdisciplinary and international concerns; and (2) to provide relevant information to support theoretically sound, culturally sensitive, research-based clinical practices.

Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation (full text, 2010-present with 6-month delay/embargo, CINAHL Ultimate)

Provides information about clinical practice, concepts and new developments in spinal injury patient care and research.

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